Lovin' Every minute of it!

Lovin' Every minute of it!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Okay, it's been awhile again! Found out a few days ago that we are having another girl! No more boys in this Darnall family. I will try to post one of the 3D pictures-so cool! We think she kind of looks like Lauren already! Amazing! I have been having a lot of headaches. Came home today and took a 4 hour nap, headache still not gone completely. Lauren crawled in bed at 6:30 and went to bed and Hannah asked to draw at the table. It's a rather peaceful evening. I do hope Lauren is not getting sick though.

I am still really wishing I lived near my hometown. Steve refuses to even have a conversation about it at this point and I am thinking I want to go with or without him. I feel so stuck here and wish I could find peace. On the other hand, I occasionally wonder if I would regret it if it did get my wish, just because of the opportunities of a larger town and school system. I don't know, still a believer in the small-town life. Just wish I had some support within the household.

The girls were really excited to go to the ultrasound. Lauren is so observant and watched it like a good movie. She is very proud of the pictures and Hannah still calls her Charlie. It's hard to believe how much the baby has grown and even harder to fathom how fast the next 18 weeks will go. AHHHH!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Yes, again!!

It's been awhile. Lots of things have changed! I am nearly 10 weeks pregnant, gave my notice at the job I've been at for 1 month, and am hoping to get on as a sub here in town. ALSO, I have started cleaning apartments for a landlady here in town too. Interesting job for sure!! The first one I worked on I spend 14 1/2 hours and I didn't even do the fridge, stove, or kitchen cupboards, or finish the bathtub. It was so bad!! The second one, was a student from Turkey or the Middle East-not sure. Anyway, not bad but he left half of his belongings behind! Furniture, kitchenware, books, leisure items (wireless router, guitar amp, steam cleaner, poker set, and much more!!) Just hard to believe that someone would up and leave all that but I guess hauling it home was not so appealing either.

So many exciting things in the future. I will only divulge as they are happening..that way you are kept in suspense. My first baby starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks! That is hard to believe.

Back to the cleaning..This pregnancy has been much like my first in that I have to eat all the time to keep my stomach from getting empty or I get gaggy. I can see Steve's worry every time I crack open the snack cupboard (we put bells on it many years ago but it doesn't slow us down.) Well, now that I am cleaning and working up a sweat almost daily I feel so much better. I just worry that it is not good to work my self so hard. Any thoughts?

Finally, please keep some of my friends and family in your prayers. My husband's neice ( and mine) is engaged to a sweetheart of a guy in Colorado. He is only 24 and is being treated for Stage III cancer of the esophagus. He is just starting his second round of chemo today and is in such good spirits but it is about to get much harder. We just pray every day that those two amazing young people have the strength to overcome this in the best possible way and recover from this as quickly as possible. He is hoping for surgery in September.

Also, my great friend and husband are in Denver with one of their newborn (premature) twins. It is a tragic yet amazing story of how human life is so valuable even in death. We also pray that they get to bring home their new son so his "big" brother is can begin enjoying his new role at home very soon!

We are very thankful for all the blessings we have been given in this life and are reminded every day that we must make the most of what we have, because we really do have it so very good!

Must run, past my bedtime! ta ta!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dream Big!

I just read the cutest book to the girls last night and they loved it!  It is called Betsy B. Little by Anne McEvoy.  It was adorable, had a poetic feel but very appealing.  My 5-year-old was asking questions all the way through.  It is based on a unique giraffe with a big dream of being a dancer.  "  Loved it!  Check it out, AND if you decide to purchase it, I even earn some commissions!  Thanks for checking it out!

Take time for the little things...

So I asked my husband if he wanted to go have lunch today since we were home and the kids were at daycare, but he chose to have a lunch meat sandwich and chips so that he could do yard work this afternoon right away.  He's says it's just my imagination when I say are you avoiding me?

Monday, May 24, 2010


Oh the opportunities, which I am thankful to have.  If only choosing were the easy part.  I have a M-F 8-5 opportunity, and two education related possibilities (which won't be available until August of course) which are only a hard choice because I need to get to work now!  I really don't want to give up my time with my girls this summer, nor any summer, but can not afford to go without work for much longer.  If I elected to become a substitute teacher I could still chip away at my small business idea.  The office job is a great job really!  What if I pass it up and then regret not taking it.  I have wanted this job off and on the last year.  AHHH!

I can't think straight anymore!  Maybe I should say I can't hear myself think with very loud childrens' toys only 15 inches from my ears.   Calgon????

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Other than that...

Besides the fact that I am now broke and looking for a fulfilling way to make a living, things are crazy!  We are still trying for our third child.  It's been a year now and now luck.  It is so odd since we barely decided to with the first two.  I blame my two years of teaching high school and the stress that I put my body through, not to mention the 4 years older that I now am.

I still want to move closer to my family, I feel so alone with no unconditional love near me-ha ha!  I briefly thought about purchasing a rental property but came to my senses.  They probably want me to have some income before I apply for a loan.  hmmmm

As for my hobbies...I ended up trading my new Pentax Kx in for a new camera same model because it was draining batteries like you wouldn't believe.  The last 3 sets of batteries had less than 200 photos each.  NOW I have probably gotten over 1000 photos on the first set of batteries.  Whew!  I will post my first attempts at portrait and wedding photography-how fun!!


I decided to go forward with my most recent brainstorm for running my own business.  I am starting a handywoman/concierge business catering to women and elderly, or perhaps owners of properties that need preparing to rent or sell.  Any ideas on this?  I have created a flyer to take to some contractors and realtors and and just trying to spread the word without the cost of advertising just yet.

I have had my first job which I feel was completed below my standards and now realize that I will probably always feel self conscious about my work no matter how well I did.  Is this true for anyone else?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Now what!

Okay, since I want to change my dream career every week I think I'll decide to blog about that!  Maybe someone somewhere will find some benefit in that!  This week, I've decided I want to start my own business; actually I've pondered this for sometime.  I'm just formulating the big picture.  It is a concierge and handywoman service.  I figure this is the only way that I can make a career out of doing a little bit of everything and whatever I want!  Do you suppose I could get a grant if I make it a non-profit organization?  Okay, maybe not.  But I'm still working out the details.  Stay tuned..  Next post will be all the jobs I've had to date and what I thought about them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I frequently ponder....what have I done wrong and why couldn't I have made better choices while younger.  There are so many who are able to stay home with their young children and live comfortably.  I am so grateful for the wonderful family and health and many luxuries that we do have, but I can't help but think...What if my van breaks down tomorrow (140K miles)?  How can I continue on this way when I am approaching the "red" more and more every month.  I need to make a choice but I struggle at even narrowing down my options.  My husband's advice, "Find something, and stick with it!"  but that's just not my personality.  I want adventure, to learn new and exciting things all the time!  To work at a sufficient job that is moderately satisfying and barely sustaining is death to my soul!!  Oh, awakening, come to light soon!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Step 1

So...I got a camera. Went with the Pentax K-x and have a lot to learn but am loving it! I'll be taking a class and then some so watch for more!