Lovin' Every minute of it!

Lovin' Every minute of it!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Yes, again!!

It's been awhile. Lots of things have changed! I am nearly 10 weeks pregnant, gave my notice at the job I've been at for 1 month, and am hoping to get on as a sub here in town. ALSO, I have started cleaning apartments for a landlady here in town too. Interesting job for sure!! The first one I worked on I spend 14 1/2 hours and I didn't even do the fridge, stove, or kitchen cupboards, or finish the bathtub. It was so bad!! The second one, was a student from Turkey or the Middle East-not sure. Anyway, not bad but he left half of his belongings behind! Furniture, kitchenware, books, leisure items (wireless router, guitar amp, steam cleaner, poker set, and much more!!) Just hard to believe that someone would up and leave all that but I guess hauling it home was not so appealing either.

So many exciting things in the future. I will only divulge as they are happening..that way you are kept in suspense. My first baby starts Kindergarten in 2 weeks! That is hard to believe.

Back to the cleaning..This pregnancy has been much like my first in that I have to eat all the time to keep my stomach from getting empty or I get gaggy. I can see Steve's worry every time I crack open the snack cupboard (we put bells on it many years ago but it doesn't slow us down.) Well, now that I am cleaning and working up a sweat almost daily I feel so much better. I just worry that it is not good to work my self so hard. Any thoughts?

Finally, please keep some of my friends and family in your prayers. My husband's neice ( and mine) is engaged to a sweetheart of a guy in Colorado. He is only 24 and is being treated for Stage III cancer of the esophagus. He is just starting his second round of chemo today and is in such good spirits but it is about to get much harder. We just pray every day that those two amazing young people have the strength to overcome this in the best possible way and recover from this as quickly as possible. He is hoping for surgery in September.

Also, my great friend and husband are in Denver with one of their newborn (premature) twins. It is a tragic yet amazing story of how human life is so valuable even in death. We also pray that they get to bring home their new son so his "big" brother is can begin enjoying his new role at home very soon!

We are very thankful for all the blessings we have been given in this life and are reminded every day that we must make the most of what we have, because we really do have it so very good!

Must run, past my bedtime! ta ta!!