Lovin' Every minute of it!

Lovin' Every minute of it!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Now what!

Okay, since I want to change my dream career every week I think I'll decide to blog about that!  Maybe someone somewhere will find some benefit in that!  This week, I've decided I want to start my own business; actually I've pondered this for sometime.  I'm just formulating the big picture.  It is a concierge and handywoman service.  I figure this is the only way that I can make a career out of doing a little bit of everything and whatever I want!  Do you suppose I could get a grant if I make it a non-profit organization?  Okay, maybe not.  But I'm still working out the details.  Stay tuned..  Next post will be all the jobs I've had to date and what I thought about them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I frequently ponder....what have I done wrong and why couldn't I have made better choices while younger.  There are so many who are able to stay home with their young children and live comfortably.  I am so grateful for the wonderful family and health and many luxuries that we do have, but I can't help but think...What if my van breaks down tomorrow (140K miles)?  How can I continue on this way when I am approaching the "red" more and more every month.  I need to make a choice but I struggle at even narrowing down my options.  My husband's advice, "Find something, and stick with it!"  but that's just not my personality.  I want adventure, to learn new and exciting things all the time!  To work at a sufficient job that is moderately satisfying and barely sustaining is death to my soul!!  Oh, awakening, come to light soon!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Step 1

So...I got a camera. Went with the Pentax K-x and have a lot to learn but am loving it! I'll be taking a class and then some so watch for more!